BCRP Services

Review your contract documentation for each project;

  • Ensure that you have provided a detailed budget which provides a gross margin that is reasonable for the project requirements, type, size and value;

  • Determine the number of site and off-site construction reviews required, taking into account the nature of the project. The intent is to ensure that the supervision and contract administration is appropriate and that the project is running to the budget and contracted completion date;

  • Undertake the reviews and issue reports giving a comment on the progression or development of your competence relating to the specific areas that have been reviewed. The final report is also provided to your insurance agent.

  • We take our appointment to service our builders/clients seriously. Should you ever find the need to make a formal complaint, you can view our Complaints Policy or learn more about our Complaints Management and Disputes Procedure.

BCRP Component Services

  • This service involves reviewing all contractual arrangements for a project which includes but not limited to, a review of the commercial risks for completion of the Project, review of project schedule and the Home Warranty Insurance application is consistent with works.

  • This service involves ensuring that the Builder provides a detailed budget, checking adequately of the Builder’s detailed budget and review and confirm the scheduled payments under the building contract directly relate to the progress of work carried out.

  • This service involves preparing a performance review schedule to ensure the Builder and the Project will meet industry standards and contractual obligations.

  • Obtain a copy of the certificate of home warranty insurance for the Project from the Builder and check that all details correspond with the contract and the licence of the Builder’s trading entity.

    Undertake site visits as per the Performance Review Schedule.

    Undertake remote site assessment as per the Performance Review Schedule. Travel charges, if applicable, for regional and country areas.

  • Preparation of a final report identifying completion and/or identification of any areas for concern.

BCRP Service Standards

Find out about our BCRP Builder Services, standards and timings to get familiar with the process.

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